A Challenging Werk Wednesday + WIAW

Happy WIAW! After reading today’s post, hop on over to Peas and Crayons and check out a variety of food from all across the world! Thanks to Jenn for being the hostess with mostest (food pictures)!

What Mindy has been eating lately:

1.) Hard boiled egg + S&P’ed tomato slice on whole-wheat english muffin. A side of clementine of S&P’ed cucumber slices. Hits tha spot!

2.) Funky Vegetable Enchiladas

3.) Yogurt bowl- 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt, dry oats, KASHI Warm Cinnamon Oats, 1/2 banana, warmed frozen berries, and drippings of crunchy sunflower butter

4.) A glass of almond milk


You may remember when I posted about being stubborn and skipping the gym. I have definitely been stubborn skipping the gym and skipping workouts. Over the course of the past 3 weeks since I have been on Christmas break, I have worked out a total of 3 times. Blah. I have been feeling rather lethargic lately, haven’t been sleeping well, and have a cold. I am a firm believer that exercise is a form of medicine.

Pretend like the water splashes on the mirror aren't there + I didn't take a mirror pic 😉

Trying to motivate myself, however, has been very hard these past few weeks. When someone recently asked me what to do when they were bored with their workouts, I suggested taking fitness classes (my go-to when I am seeking motivation and a sweaty workout.) Thankfully, my school has a 3-story fitness facility that offers AWESOME classes. Unfortunately, I have another week until classes start so my workout schedule is now in my hands.

I came across a blog post about the BodyRockTV 30-day challenge yesterday. As soon as I clicked over to the website I was intrigued with the workouts, the plan, and the hardcore “teacher”, Lisa-Marie. While I have never participated in a workout challenge before, I am excited to start and can’t wait to see what my results are 30 days from now. This post will help me hold myself accountable of the workouts and will serve as a reminder that working out makes me feel and sleep so much better. The 30-day challenge is just what I need to make me feel normal again and whip my booty back in shape!

Click here for the 30-day challenge including the workouts, tutorials, and diet plans. <— BUT, come back here!!

Day 1: Personal Fit Test

Complete each exercise for 50 sec. recording the number of repetitions you completed.

Squat jumps: 36

Pushups: 20 + 2 aSISSYted

Burpees: 17

High knees: 76, each leg

Switch lunges: 18

Tuck jumps: 20

Straight abs: 18

***By the way, I did this last night at 10 PM and was breathing very hard between each workout. 3 weeks without exercise, what do you expect?!


If you feel as motivated as I am, and want to join in on the “at-home workout movement” comment below and we can communicate back and forth on our progress, workouts, complaints, etc.

Remember: If you want to do something, you can do it. You just have to do it.

Question for today: Do you ever workout when you have a cold? I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose, plenty of sneezes, bad cough, and feel very  sleepy. I am debating if I should do challenge #2 today or wait.