Only for Him

Each morning I wake up to about 15 e-mails. I am constantly clearing my mailbox throughout the day so that small number is a pretty normal amount between my school account and my personal account. I always receive (and delete) 20% off TODAY ONLY from retail stores,a few updates from blogs that I subscribe to, junk mail, and a daily devotion from Girlfriends in God (link.)

Although I’d love to online shop for a living, or be as creative as the blogs I read each day, and be as witty as the spam taglines I read, there is nothing better than having a quite time and starting my day with motivation and encouragement from up above. It seems I am constantly amazed at the message I read each morning as it comes around at just the right time. 

I feel like I’m at the point of my life where I have to make some pretty big decisions. In between juggling academic classes, a part-time job (Crossfit), and a group fitness instructor position in the near future, my days are often a blur and I can get so caught up into focusing on the wrong things and doing what I love for the wrong reason. The decisions I speak of are things like, “Do I take this class at this hour and not be able to coach?” or “Do I completely focus on school and teach (fitness classes and Crossfit) after undergrad?” or “With the USDA guidelines I am being taught, do I really want to be in this ever-evolving controversial profession?”

Over the past couple of years, I’ve told myself to always be able to answer, “Why do you do what you do?” Such a simple question… but if you really sit down and think about it, do you know why you do what you do? For me personally, searching for that reason has resulted in deep thoughts, emotions, and self discovery. As I take on new roles and make new decisions that will affect my future (just typing that word gives me butterflies), I have to constantly remind myself, I do it for Him. No paycheck can satisfy as much as His eternal paycheck will.

An excerpt from the devotion I read this morning (4/15/2013) :

“….is finding a different occupation always the solution to job satisfaction, or could the key to successful work be discovering a new approach to the work we already do? Twice in Colossians 3, Paul used the phrase “whatever you do” as a call for wholehearted service to the Lord. A wholehearted effort is difficult when working for a critical, ungrateful boss. Minimum effort then becomes a response that certainly seems justified under the circumstances. However, when our work is done for Christ and we view Him as our supervisor, we will strive to do our best all of the time. The boss may sign the paycheck, but the Savior issues our reward. Obviously, it’s not wrong to seek work that fits our skills and interests, but it is pointless to move from one job to another without first settling the issue of who it is that we truly are serving in the workplace. Daily work takes on eternal significance when it is done for God.”

Have a great Monday! 

xoxo, Mindy 


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV). Jeremiah 29:11