The Best Recipe

I have always correlated health with a certain image of an ideal weight and body. I considered healthy people as skinny, and unhealthy people as fat. How ignorant of me! “Healthy” is far, far, far from being a size 2 for ladies and a Brad Pitt look-alike for guys. I was shocked to learn that there were very healthy men and women that didn’t have a body or weight of what I thought was ideal.

When I became more conscious of what I was putting into my body, I also became more educated of how it will affect me from years down the road. I have a medical family history of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and cancer just to name a few. Although some of the said chronic diseases are genetically passed down, I wholeheartedly believe most can be prevented or diminished with a clean diet and moderate exercise.

I will say it now: I don’t choose to eat healthy only for my weight and waistline. I eat healthy for my future. I exercise for the one organ ♥ that each one of us relies on from the time we are concieved to the time we are buried. I eat healthy, exercise, and enjoy desserts for my overall well-being and HEALTH.

As I haven’t said the word enough: Being healthy and taking care of my body is very important to me. Up until recently, I treated my body with ignorance. I was never concerned for my future, only concerned with my pant size.

Now that I have been educated and have a deep passion for Nutrition, Health, and fitness I realize a balanced diet (with chocolate included) and physical activity is essential for a long, happy, and healthy life.

Recipe for Health

This recipe is perfect for all seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. No baking, cooking, or bizzare ingredient is needed. Be creative using an open-mind and a appetizing result is guaranteed!


  • 3/4 cups heart-healthy carbohydrates, protein, and fats
  • 1/4 cups all out, balls out mentality
  • 1 cup physical activity
  • 1 cup well-balanced sleep schedule
  • 1 Tbsp personal motivation
  • a sprinkle of chocolate
  • a dash of positivity
  • endless amounts of smiles

In a medium bowl, combine whole grains, lean meat, healthy fats such as peanut butter, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy with whatever. the. heck. kind of fattening and comforting food you want too. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, mix 1 tbsp of motivation with cardio exercise of your choice and equal amounts of strength training. Stir until well combined.

Combine physical activity mixture into the healthy + not so healthy diet mix. Add a batch of well-balanced sleep. Store in refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

Sprinkle a serving of chocolate, a dash of positivity and serve with tons of smiles.


Pretend like the water splashes on the mirror aren't there + I didn't take a mirror pic 😉

Cheers on this Thirsty Thursday to our health and well-being! I’ll drink eat to that!

4 thoughts on “The Best Recipe

  1. What a great post! Everything you’ve written is so true — I used to be JUST as clueless when it came to thinking that skinny people are healthy…. it’s just not as simple as that. Thanks for a great post 🙂

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